I Am Athan



Social Media Influencer


I Am Athan



Social Media Influencer


Blog Post


April 26, 2020 Uncategorized
While a lot of Coronavirus disease patients had responded positively to our call for transparency to contain the spread of the virus, there are those who refused to come out for the sake of their privacy and the protection of their own circles.
While we are respectful of their decision as it is their right, we cannot help but lament how a change in their views and decisions would have made a great impact on our efforts to save lives.  
How many of their contacts and the contacts of their contacts — most of whom their very own relatives and friends while some may be innocent unknowns who have their own families to protect — would have been reached and saved in a short time if only they made that game-changing resolve to reveal their identities.  
Not to mention how much time and resources and risks would have been spared in tracking down these people if only they uttered the magic word.
We continue to hope that concerned people will relent. Contagion time is cooperation time — time to go beyond self and think about the many who will stand to benefit from your selfless actions and decisions. — MAYOR BENJIE
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