I Am Athan



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I Am Athan



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Blog Post

Why trees in Baguio matter

April 1, 2012 opinion

Woods, and the trees are essential to life. In the city, they provide oxygen, clean smog particulates, absorb CO2, raise water level, prevent water runoff and erosion and ensure genetic continuity. They have a myriad of different benefits for both wildlife and people.

They play host to a spectacular variety of wildlife, provide us with raw materials and shelter, inspire our imaginations and our creativity.

The almost magical, mystical quality of woods makes them a great place for relaxation and recreation. A walk in the woods can give anyone a feeling of peace and tranquillity. Most of us have fond childhood memories of playing on or around trees.

A world without trees and woods would be barren and bare.

We don’t want trees to be cut or removed. The Baguio Woodland Trust will hard hard for this.

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